آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2017-11-27
Those Inveterate Liars!
Published in November 26, 2017
Translated by: Ahmed Fathy
We have received this email message from one of our beloved fellow Quranists; we quote part of it here followed by our reply.
(... Surfing the net, I was surprised to find researches done by some orientalists who assume as if the Quran were authored by a mortal and they studied oriental and ancient languages and manuscripts ... They claim in their findings that the Quranic story of Abraham smashing pagan statues and idols (never mentioned in the Old Testament) is quoted by Muhammad from the Midrash Rabbah manuscripts within bad translation from the Hebrew into Aramaic, Syriac, or Arabic that contained this mythical story! They claim that the name of the city (Ur) where Abraham once lived means 'fire' and this led to bad translation of God getting Abraham out of the 'fire' in the Chaldean city of Ur! The orientalists accuse Muhammad similarly of copying the story of (the people of the cave) in the Quranic Chapter 18 from the story of the youths of Ephesus who fled persecution of Christians! I kept searching the Web to find anyone refuting such claims, until I came across a research in English that asserts that the manuscripts of the Midrash Rabbah might have been authored in an era 500 years after Muhammad's death; this means that the unknown author(s) of the Midrash Rabbah might have copied the Quran ... I decided to consult you to relieve my doubts; you are the most learned person about the Quran now; how can such falsehoods undermining the Quran be refuted? Could you explain this to me? I am a non-specialist and you are an erudite specialist in Quranic studies within Quranism ... Thank you ...)
1- Within researching heritage books, there is a branch of research called verifying manuscripts; for instance, the history of Al-Tabari has several versions in manuscripts, because there is one written by the author and other copies written by scribes. Those scribes typically write their names and the date of their manuscripts. Thus, researchers who verify and authenticate the texts of manuscripts choose the version of the author or, if not available, the nearest one to his era to be the reference version and compare its words with words of the other versions copied by scribes of later eras, arranged chronologically of course and as per the quality of the manuscripts. In the margin, such researchers would show the differences in words/phrases, omissions, additions, errors, etc. within the different versions of the same book as per available manuscripts. This is part of an analytical study of a book in manuscripts, and the researcher must tackle the personality of the author and his era and influences that affected him and how he influenced his era. This is what we have done in our book about the book titled "The Introduction" of Ibn Khaldoun, but we did not verify or authenticate the versions of the book because it is very well-known and published in print now. We have analyzed the personality of Ibn Khaldoun and ideas of his book. This is the required methodology in researching history.
2- In contrast, the balderdash or nonsense written by some 'researchers' who seek fame and those who seek to undermine Islam (i.e., the Quran) hated by them contain noting but shameless and flagrant lies, because they are inveterate liars. Sadly, in our era of moral bankruptcy and falsehoods, such 'researchers' gain popularity and fame, because media worldwide are fond of showing strange, unusual things that arouse curiosity, even if scientifically groundless, such as the journalist aphorism of man who bites a dog, thus making headlines. Those fame-seeking inveterate liars are ignorant persons who are fond of undermining anything related to the Quran. They justify their flagrant lies with the wrong assumption as if the Quran were man-made or authored by Muhammad Ibn Abdullah of the Qorayish tribe during the 7th century A.D. Based on this wrong assumption, those 'researchers' who are indeed inveterate liars assume that Muhammad copied certain manuscripts in order to 'author' the Quranic text himself!
3- Such inveterate liars never pose this question to themselves: how a man among the gentile Arabs would author the Quran with its facts of science and history? How come a man would author a book containing reproach and rebuke addressed to him? How come a man would write a prediction that came true later during his lifetime? In this last question, we refer to these verses that we have tackled in a previous article as miraculous Quranic prediction that is asserted by history: "The Byzantines have been defeated. In a nearby territory. But following their defeat, they will be victorious. In a few years. The matter is up to God, in the past, and in the future. On that day, the believers will rejoice. In God's support. He supports whomever He wills. He is the Almighty, the Merciful. The promise of God - God never breaks His promise, but most people do not know." (30:2-6). Among the Quranic predictions that came true after the death of Muhammad is the one about tormenting Qorayish tribesmen for their disbelieving in the Quran; this torment was within the civil wars and Arab conquests; more details about that topic are found in our book (in English) titled "The Unspoken-of History of the Pre-Umayyad 'Righteous' Caliphs", found on this link: (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/book_main.php?main_id=83 ). Of course, there are several indications to historical and scientific facts in the Quranic verses, some of which are researched and some are not. The Quran precedes human knowledge in science; we refer readers to our book about that topic. Yet, the Quran is NOT a history book or a book of science, but a Divine Book of guidance offered to the humankind. This general purpose of guidance is the context of several Quranic indications to historical and scientific facts about the past (history of ancient nations), present (i.e., during Muhammad's lifetime), and future (predicted events of this world and events of the Last Day). This is not to mention the numerical balance and miracles of the Quranic text in terms of its letter and words. Muhammad could not have possibly authored the Quran that it contains verses of Arabic letters that add to the numerical balance of the Quran such as "Alif, Lam, Meem." (30:1); "Qaf..." (50:1); "Alif, Lam, Meem, Saad." (7:1); "Saad..." (38:1); "Ta, Ha." (20:1); "Ya, Seen." (36:1).
4- Those superficial researchers are indeed inveterate liars who do not know anything about the Quran even if they have learned the Arabic tongue. Likewise, the imams/clergymen of the earthly, man-made religions of the Muhammadans know nothing about the Quran, despite their claim to have studied it, because they never know about its unique terminology nor its methodology of legislations, Quranic stories, and scientific and historical indications. The inveterate liars who call themselves as 'researchers' know nothing about the Quran nor about the basics of historical research based on manuscripts or even on archeological discoveries.
5- Within the ANNEX II of our book (in English) titled "Egypt in the Holy Quran", found along with ANNEX I on this link: (http://www.ahl-alquran.com/arabic/chapter.php?main_id=834), we have tackled and refuted in detail the topic of superficial researches of balderdash of sham researchers who assume wrongly that the term (Misr) or Egypt in the Quran does not refer to the geographical Egypt of today but to some unknown location inside Arabia! Those researchers who spread such a lie forget the fact that Moses' Pharaoh cannot be located elsewhere. When we have inferred from 28:48 that Moses, Aaron, and the Israelites during the diaspora in the desert visited Mecca in Arabia, this does NOT imply that they dwelled there or that they originally lived there and not in Egypt. We have simply asserted that the Meccan disbelievers rejected the call of Moses and Aaron and accused them of sorcery. It is a miraculous historical fact in the Quran that the features of the deep-state of Pharaonic Egypt are still there inside Egypt of today and in the past centuries; we refer readers to our many articles about Pharaonic tyranny that has exited there until now.
6- Those fake researchers who are in fact inveterate liars tend to forget the element of randomness in archeological discoveries of different eras (related to Egypt or elsewhere) and there are several gaps in such discoveries. We have mentioned in ANNEX II of our book titled "Egypt in the Holy Quran" how Egyptian cities lie on top of many strata and layers of civilization worthy of archeological discovery, and we have asserted that no one can claim to have the final word in such a field filled with gaps, except inveterate liars, as all researches within such fields are incomplete and are liable to have more corrections and additions.
7- Those inveterate liars tend to forget the fact that the Ancient Egyptians of the Pharaonic Era were fond of distorting their history as they reject recording their defeats and times of degeneration; even some Pharaonic rulers ascribed monuments of previous rulers to themselves by removing their names to add their own instead.
8- Those inveterate liars tend to forget the fact that the religious history of human beings contain one basic truth mentioned in the Quran; namely, all God's prophets/messengers conveyed the same divine message of previous prophets/messengers before them, and once they died, disbelief would return with a vengeance and repeat what ancient disbelieves used to assert, until a new prophet/messenger would emerge with the same divine message. This cycle went on until the Seal of all Prophets, Muhammad, was the last prophet to deliver the Quranic message that replaces all previous scriptures and which is preserved by God for the end of days as the reference for all human beings (including the People of the Book) regarding disputes in faith tenets.
9- Those inveterate liars tend to forget the fact that celestial messages were distorted and changed by disbelievers within omissions, additions, etc. that twist the original scripture and also by authoring books to supplant scriptures (e.g., books of hadiths and fiqh of the Muhammadans). Such twisting, additions, and distortions would thus form the dominant religious culture of falsehoods that ascribe themselves forcibly to the divine message. This occurred in almost all cultures within oral traditions written later on within monuments or parchments (e.g., the deluge story is found in the cultures of ancient Iraqis and the Red Indians). It is silly and illogical to use such archeological discoveries to jump into a false conclusion that Muhammad wrote the Quran and copied the story of the deluge from any sources!
10- Those inveterate liars tend to forget the fact that the ancient cultures before the Quran remained a topic of hot debates, even during Muhammad's lifetime, and some people asked Muhammad about these stories of the past, but he would wait until the Quranic revelation would mention some details to answer them; for instance, in this verse: "And they ask you about Zu Al-Qarnayn. Say, "I will tell you something about him."" (18:83). The Quranic stories focus on the moral lesson and not useless details, despite the fact that these details were the focus of the debates of Arabs during Muhammad's lifetime, as we, for instance, infer from this verse: "They will say, "Three, and their fourth being their dog." And they will say, "Five, and their sixth being their dog," guessing at the unknown. And they will say, "Seven, and their eighth being their dog." Say, "My Lord knows best their number." None knows them except a few. So do not argue concerning them except with an obvious argument, and do not consult any of them about them." (18:22).
1- After all, those inveterate liars assume that they are researchers, but they do not ascribe their flagrant lies and balderdash to religion. The worst people are those clergymen of the earthly religions of the Muhammadans who make their flagrant lies and balderdash as part of the religion of Islam. This is indeed the worst catastrophe.
2- May God curse all the clergymen of the earthly religions of the Muhammadans!
تاريخ الانضمام | : | 2006-07-05 |
مقالات منشورة | : | 5171 |
اجمالي القراءات | : | 58,736,953 |
تعليقات له | : | 5,479 |
تعليقات عليه | : | 14,871 |
بلد الميلاد | : | Egypt |
بلد الاقامة | : | United State |
القاموس القرآنى عن ( الاستعجال )
الفصل الثانى : الاجتهاد فى التدبر القرآنى وفى الاسلام والكفر والعبادات
القاموس القرآنى : الكفّارة والفدية
الفصل الأول : التقوى والايمان باليوم الآخر أساس الاجتهاد الاسلامى
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