Where Are Those Army Soldiers Who Would Readily Sacrifice Their Life in Defense of the Affluent, Corrupt Saudi Family?

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2017-11-13

Where Are Those Army Soldiers Who Would Readily Sacrifice Their Life in Defense of the Affluent, Corrupt Saudi Family? 


Published in November 12, 2017

Translated by: Ahmed Fathy


Firstly: a powerful army versus a weak army:

1- Powerful countries are those with powerful nations feared by the governments and where citizens are NOT afraid of the governments. Powerful countries have governments that serve citizens whose parliamentary representatives check and judge the performance of governments. In such cases, no one is above the laws formulated by parliamentary representatives elected within free, transparent elections. Citizens in such free countries are happy to pay taxes, as parliamentary representatives  as well as the police and the army serve citizens and protect their security. The armies of these free countries are powerful and defend their homelands with all their might; the homeland is not only a stretch of land; rather, it is citizens who are equal within duties and rights. Thus, soldiers in armies of such free countries defend their homelands as they feel a true sense of belonging. This applies, for instance, to Israel, feared by all Arab rulers. Israel has democratic elections and its powerful army is in constant wars since 1948; yet, it never imposes emergency laws or any exceptional laws. Arab tyrants rule until they die or get ousted, but Israel and the USA have many presidents and rulers without problems. Israeli soldiers fight in defense of a country (not defending rulers and ministers) in which they take pride as their true homeland in which they live with dignity. Hence, Israel is the only model of a powerful democratic country in the Middle-East.  

2- Weak countries are the ones owned and controlled by tyrants who monopolize wealth, authority, and power and control citizens. Laws in such weak countries are formulae to protect tyrants, and penal laws are used to terrorize and intimidate citizens. The police in such weak countries humiliate and torture citizens instead of serving them. Armies in such weak countries confiscate arms and weapons and takes money from taxes from citizens and take pride in fighting non-violent, weak, poor citizens using such arms and weapons in case of peaceful demonstrations, as those who oppose tyrants are deemed as enemies who must be eliminated. Such armies in weak countries cannot possibly face armed rebels.   


Secondly: there is no real army inside the Saudi kingdom to protect it against the imminent collapse:

1- Saudi Arabia is the third country worldwide (after the USA and China) in military expenditure; it has countless piles of weapons and the Saudi army comprises 440 thousand men. Yet, this Saudi army is very weak and its only achieved victory is to quell weak, unarmed citizens of Arabia who live in a kingdom owned by the affluent, extravagant, corrupt Saudi family members. The proof of the fact that this Saudi army is very weak is that the Saudi kingdom sought the help of the USA when the Saudi family members were terrified by Saddam Hussein in the 1990s. In fact, the Saudi family never wage a war except by proxy within its allies who defend the Saud kingdom. the only true arm of the Saudi family members is money; they use lots of money to wage wars inside and outside the Saudi kingdom. the Saudi army consists of mercenaries who belong to different nationalities and led by leaders from the Saudi family members and their cronies. Hence, such Saudi 'military' leaders have no military experience at all; they specialize only in getting bribes within deals of buying weapons. The Saudi family members spread bloodbaths outside the Saudi kingdom by proxy by using its allies and its organizations to destroy any foes. Even in the Saudi war waged on Yemen, the Saudis use warplane bombardments; they have no real soldiers as the Saudi army of mercenaries cannot face man-to-man combats in battlefields and cannot invade stretches of lands, unlike the case with other armies that are allies of the KSA.              

2- The Saudi family members can establish a security apparatus to terrorize, intimidate, and torture people; this has happened already. Yet, they cannot establish a real army who will defend the Saudi kingdom against any aggressors or against its imminent downfall. Since such real army does not exist, the Saudi kingdom is now on the brink of collapse.   

3- We mean a real Saudi army of faithful soldiers who are devoted to the defense of the Saudi state, as was the case within the Saudi army of the first Saudi state who fought bravely against the Egyptian armies of M. Ali Pacha for years before being defeated by the Egyptian troops with honor. These soldiers of the Saudi army of the first Saudi state had their Wahabi faith which was assumed by them to be real Islam; they used to assume that they were the only 'true' Muslims on Earth and they had to fight the 'infidels'. At such an era, Saudi princes and family members fight along with their army and troops, and fighters had 4/5 of the spoils in the battlefield after victories were achieved. Fighters at the time used to call princes with their proper names without titles; all of them were brethren in religion. This is the type of real, devoted army soldiers we mean in the previous point. During the second Saudi state, Wahabism waned and princes fought to restore the kingdom of their fathers; later on, princes fight against one another as each sought the throne for himself, and their kingdom collapsed eventually as a result. Within the era of the founder, Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud, Wahabism has been revived and taught to the savage, brutal Wahabi fighters called the Najd Brothers. Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud used to fight with them in most battles and they were loyal to him, they even called him with his proper name without titles; yet, once he became an enthroned tyrant who never consulted them in the conduct of affairs as his partners, they rebelled and revolted against him. After he defeated and crushed them, he named his kingdom as Saudi Arabia, to declare that his family owns the kingdom.       

4- After the death of Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud, the Saudi family members never had a real Saudi army. Oil revenues rendered the Saudi family members very affluent, extravagant, and pampered who assume they own people as their slaves. The Saudi family members know very well that their army of mercenaries is a mere decoration or an ornament; they cannot take the risk to fight with such army of untrusted mercenaries and fake soldiers in real wars. Such weak soldiers know nothing but to play musical instruments to entertain the Saudi royal family members.   


Thirdly: the three obstacles that hinder the existence of a powerful  army of trustworthy soldiers who would protect the Saudi family from collapse:


(A) Its name (the KSA):

1- It is the only country in the world that names the state after the royal family name; this indicates that this family owns the land and the nation. Other democratic or tyrannical countries make their nationalities for all citizens living inside the given country equally; we mean that there are Egyptian people in Egypt, Finnish people in Finland, and Ugandan people in Uganda. We find the exact opposite in the Saudi kingdom as the nation there are (Saudis); they are named as such to indicate they are owned by the Saudi royal family. Hence, being (Saudis) is not a proper nationality at all. In tyrannical countries, however haughty and arrogant tyrants and generals are, they are part of the citizens in a given country; in contrast, inside the Saudi kingdom, the royal family lives in one realm and all the rest of people are second-class species in another different realm, within the culture of enslavement where slaves cannot be made equal to their masters the Saudi princes.   

2- It might be acceptable that the Saudi family members (about 11 thousand people) defend their kingdom themselves (like defending the herd of cattle by shepherds), but it is unacceptable that the Saudi family members that own people and lands in Arabia would demand that people enroll into an army to defend the Saudi kingdom themselves. No men inside Arabia would be foolish enough to sacrifice their lives for the sake of defending the affluent, corrupt, arrogant, haughty, and oppressive Saudi family members who confiscate all wealth and money and never provide any rights or life of dignity to people living in Arabia. Hence, it is hardly expected that the Saudi kingdom would establish a real army of devoted loyal soldiers who will willingly sacrifice their lives to defend the kingdom against its imminent collapse.      


(B) Its nature as an aggressive country:

1- Tens of tyrannical countries inside Africa, Asia, and Latin America are isolated and never commit acts of aggression against other countries or interfere in their internal affairs. 

2- The tyrannical Saudi kingdom does the exact opposite; it has the existential fear all the time of being on the verge of imminent downfall; it has collapsed twice and the Saudi family members do not wish to witness a third collapse. This is why Saudi Arabia deliberately weakens the neighboring countries and at the same time spreads and propagates its Wahabi ideology worldwide to win to its side more allies and supporters and to get more influence everywhere. 

3- Moreover, the Saudi family members have used their oil revenues to make the Saudi kingdom appear as the religious leader of the 'Islamic' world and the political leader of the Arab world. This is a catastrophe in the full sense of the term; how come that such corrupt, affluent, and arrogant royal family would assume such a high stature?   

4- The Saudi kingdom has used its leadership, influence, and wealth (but NOT its army; it has no real army at all) to spread corruption and massacres worldwide; consequently, the number of its foes and enemies has increased even among the Wahabis themselves. We are talking here about the Saudi royal family members who manipulate their great influence (with their ideology, money, and oil) worldwide.  


(C) Its Wahabi religion:

1- The Saudi kingdom has propagated and spread Wahabism worldwide as if it were the 'only true' Islam, and most Wahabi extremists are now the arch-enemies of the Saudi family.

2- What is very dangerous here is that such Wahabi extremist fighters, jihadists, and suicide bombers, who are truly devoted to Wahabism, assume that once they die, they enter into the 'Wahabi paradise' where houris wait for them with their open arms (and their open legs!). In contrast, the hypocritical Wahabi sheikhs, clergymen, and preachers serving the Saudi family members are the ones who deceive the deluded youths to turn them into suicide bombers, while those Wahabi hypocrites and their children enjoy luxuries of the earthly life instead of being eager to commit suicide to enter into the Wahabi paradise of houris! Within the third current Saudi state, Wahabism is a weapon used by rebels to fight against the Saudi royal family; this has begun by the Wahabi Najd Brothers who revolted against Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud and the Wahabi terrorist Juhayman Al-Otaybi who invaded the Sacred Kaaba Mosque in Nov. 1979. The Saudi Wahabism has spread suicide bombers worldwide; most of the criminals in the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the USA were Saudis, and most ISIS terrorists are Saudis as well. In Aug. 2009, a Wahabi terrorist attempted to assassinate the prince M. Ibn Nayef, the former Saudi interior minister, within a suicide bombing in a Jeddah palace owned by the prince; the terrorist had hidden explosives in his rectum and anal canal, but as he blew himself up, M. Ibn Nayef survived with some wounds. This means that suicide bombers can plot to get admitted to any prince's palace. Suicide bombers within the Wahabi opposition movements in the 1990s committed several terrorist crimes inside the Saudi kingdom. Those terrorists with suicidal tendencies have been sent now from inside the Saudi kingdom by the Saudi royal family members to Syria and Iraq to massacre Shiites there by joining the forces of ISIS and Al-Nusra Front. Soon enough, such Wahabi terrorists will return to the Saudi kingdom to revolt against it and they will be more than willing to explode their bodies inside Saudi Arabia and to massacre the Saudi royal family members.    

3- What is highly very dangerous here is that as the Saudi king Salman and his son the crown-prince are willing to disown and discard Wahabism and to adopt the so-called ''moderate Islam'', this will provoke the fury of the Wahabi arch-enemies of the Saudi family; this might lead to the emergence of waves of Wahabi rebels and suicide bombers who resent the fact that both the Saudi king and the Saudi crown-prince kneel before the Americans and reject Wahabism (which is deemed by Wahabi terrorists as if it were the 'only true' Islam).    

4- What is terribly dangerous here is that the very weak, incompetent Saudi army cannot be used by the Saudi family to face such Wahabi extremist fighters, jihadists, and suicide bombers, who are truly devoted to Wahabism. 

5- What is extremely dangerous here is that the Saudi kingdom would have nothing but to face such Wahabi extremist fighters, jihadists, and suicide bombers, who are truly devoted to Wahabism, with mercenaries like the 'Christian' Blackwater mercenaries.  


 N.B.: When we describe the Blackwater mercenaries as ''Christian'', we only refer to how much Wahabis hate any non-Muslims, or rather any non-Wahabis. We do not imply that those mercenaries are indeed Christians in the true sense of the term. 



 It is impossible that this arrogant, haughty, affluent, corrupt Saudi family would find a real army of trustworthy soldiers to defend its existence; such a family will find nothing but mercenaries. This point is tackled in our next article. 

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