آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2017-11-11
What a Disgrace! The 'Christian' (Blackwater) Mercenaries Arrest and Torture Senior Saudi Princes!
Published in November 10, 2017
Translated by: Ahmed Fathy
1- Those senior Saudi princes (from M. Ibn Nayef to Mutaib Ibn Abdullah) remained until recently like pharaohs who control everything in the Saudi kingdom and the Saudi royal family. Now many Saudi princes are being humiliated in ways never imagined before in their worst nightmares; they are being arrested bythe 'Christian' (Blackwater) mercenaries whose worldwide notoriety is known to all. In fact, the Blackwater company includes thousands of mercenaries and offer its 'security' services to many regimes worldwide (especially in the Middle-East and Asia) within its quasi-military empire. The Blackwater company has been involved in violations against civilians, especially killing some Iraqi civilians within operations during the American invasion of Iraq.
2- The fact that the Saudi crown-prince, M. Ibn Salman, enlisted the help of Blackwater company signifies that he never trusts the Saudi security, the Saudi royal guards, nor the Saudi army. In contrast, in the 1990s, many Wahabis inside the Saudi kingdom expressed their fury when the 'Christians' soiled the Saudi land of 'Islam' and Mecca, as the Saudi royal family members enlisted the help of American marines against the threat posed by Saddam Hussein when he invaded Kuwait. Now, the Blackwater mercenaries arrest senior Saudi princes upon commands of the king Salman and his son the crown-prince.
3- Those arrested princes are being interrogated by the new Saudi State Security Apparatus established by M. Ibn Salman managed by Egyptian experts and on top of them all is the former Egyptian Interior Minister Habib Al-Adly who has been smuggled to the Saudi kingdom; this means that the Saudi regime enlists the help of former Egyptian Interior Ministers to work inside the Saudi kingdom as experts to help oppress the citizens of Arabia. This means that the crown-prince does not find or trust any Saudi security men in the crackdown or purge he undertakes now inside Saudi Arabia under the banner of an anti-corruption campaign.
4- We are surprised by the piece of news mentioned in the Middle-East Eye website (www.middleeasteye.net) that some detained and interrogated senior Saudi figures are being savagely mistreated, tortured, and beaten. Some of them have been hospitalized, according to the known British journalist David Hirst within this report in Middle East Eye website titled "Senior Saudi figures tortured and beaten in purge". Sources in Riyadh and within the royal palace assert that the scale of this crackdown of the so-called 'anti-corruption' campaign is bigger than the Saudi authorities have revealed; more than 500 men have been arrested and more are being arrested on a daily basis since more than a week. In fact, tens of businessmen, billionaires, high-rank officials, ministers, and princes have been arrested and interrogated. Such crackdown or purge aims to reinforce the authority and power of the crown prince. David Hirst asserts in this report that "some, but not all, of the top figures arrested were singled out for the most brutal treatment, suffering wounds to the body sustained by classic torture methods. There are no wounds to their faces, so they will show no physical signs of their ordeal when they next appear in public.Some detainees were tortured to reveal details of their bank accounts." The Middle East Eye website was "unable to report specific details about the abuse they suffered in order to protect the anonymity of its sources.". This is the link to this report (in English) by David Hirst: http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/exclusive-senior-figures-tortured-and-beaten-saudi-purge-1489501498
5- Events are taking place in a very fast pace in the Saudi kingdom and in the Middle East; before things change for the worst, let us analyze the above points within our prediction of the imminent collapse of the Saudi kingdom. We provide below our viewpoints which time will prove them to be true or not.
Firstly: within the Saudi family:
1- The Saudi family members never witnessed any schisms within the first Saudi state that ended in 1818; they were united by their Wahabism while annexing stretches of lands by conquests and oppressing people of Arabia. Within the second Saudi state, the Wahabi momentum waned and the familial 'rights' that led to schisms began earlier and resulted in the fact that Saudi brothers and relatives fought against one another and dethroned one another; for instance, Turki Ibn Abdullah Al-Saud, Feisal Ibn Turki, Saud Ibn Feisal, and Abdul-Rahman Ibn Feisal were enthroned twice and Abdullah Ibn Feisal was enthroned three times. Abdul-Rahman Ibn Feisal was defeated by the Al-Rasheed family and he took flight in Kuwait, he was the father of Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud, the founder of the third, current Saudi state.
2- When Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud established the third, current Saudi state while his father, Abdul-Rahman Ibn Feisal, was alive, he stipulated that the rule of the Saudi kingdom must be confined to his progeny, and his father agreed. In fact, Abdul-Aziz has introduced a system of fealty and allegiance so that his family and progeny would not fight within familial schisms, especially after he got rid of the Najd Brothers and gave the State the name of his family: the KSA or Saudi Arabia.
3- Before oil prices would soar, the crown-prince Feisal quarreled with his brother, the affluent and extravagant king Saud. Feisal managed to dethrone king Saud and to enthrone himself as king while the former king was alive. No other Saudi familial schisms occurred until king Salman was enthroned in his late seventies after long years of carrying the title (the crown-prince). It was expected that he would take revenge (after such long period of waiting) by confining the rule and the throne to his progeny. In fact, Salman is the strongest, most powerful and daring man among his brothers and half-brothers; he is very pragmatic and disliked Wahabism. Salman has been the cudgel used by the Saudi royal family to quell and crush the Wahabi opposition movement in the 20th century, though he was only the prince of Riyadh at the time, and not the interior minister. The interior minister at the time was his brother, prince Nayef, who specialized in torturing detainees among the opposition figures while Salman faced the opposition figures politically inside the Saudi kingdom and in London, within the reign of their brother, the late king Fahd. The current crown-prince, M. Ibn Salman, has inherited from his father this daring, aggressive, pragmatic tendencies and he applies them now in the 'right time' within the Saudi royal family members.
4- The Saudi family members were Bedouin cavalier fighters in battles within the first and second Saudi states; the last cavalier of them was the founder of the third current Saudi state, Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud. Oil revenues made the Saudi family members turn suddenly (without a gradual process of civilization) from Bedouin culture to affluence, extravagance, and immorality. This is why when king Salman made his son, M. Ibn Salman as the deputy crown-prince, his brothers and their sons hardly protested. Within a video, the deputy crown-prince kneeled before the crown-prince M. Ibn Nayef who was the interior minister favored by the Americans. Months later, M. Ibn Salman has been appointed as the crown-prince and M. Ibn Nayef was overthrown easily. The prince Mutaib Ibn Abdullah was preparing himself to succeed his father, the late king Abdullah, to the throne instead of his uncle Salman, within a plot hatched by Khalid Al-Tuweijri was the Chief of the Royal Court under the late king Abdullah. Al-Tuweijri stopped anyone meeting with king Abdullah in his deathbed when he was hospitalized. Rumors have it that M. Ibn Salman foiled such plot of appointing Mutaib Ibn Abdullah instead of Salman, and he threatened Al-Tuweijri with a pistol and slapped him. Al-Tuweijri (loyal to king Abdullah and his son Mutaib) was fired from his post as the Chief of the Royal Court once Salman was enthroned. Mutaib has been recently arrested by the "Christian" Blackwater company mercenaries.
5- The Saudi family members now comprise three generations: the senior generation of the sons of Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud (including Mishaal, Ahmad, and Talal), the generation of the grandsons of Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud: the sons of Saud, Feisal, Khaled, Fahd, Nayef, Sultan, etc., and the generation of the progeny of these sons. There are also princes of minor importance who are sons of the brothers of Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud and their progeny, about 11 thousand persons. The elderly generation of the sons of Abdul-Aziz are too weak to stand against king Salman and his impetuous, reckless son. The prince Talal Ibn Abdul-Aziz has not revolted yet against Salman and his son, despite the fact that during his youth, he revolted against his family by demanding the introduction of reform, and he formed a front with other reformist princes and joined Gamal Abdel-Nasser, the Egyptian president at the time, while discarding his royal title as a prince. In his old age now, prince Talal protested in a low voice; he never uttered a word in public when his son, Al-Waleed Ibn Talal, was imprisoned by M. Ibn Salman and his wealth is confiscated. Al-Waleed has been the Al-Saud-family star in the world of business. The generation of sons includes those who assume high-rank posts like some sons of princes Feisal and Sultan, and they are wise enough not to provoke the ire of M. Ibn Salman so as to enjoy the rest of their life within serenity. This is why they calmly swore allegiance and fealty to M. Ibn Salman as the crown-prince; he and his father, king Salman, have been ready to face other troublemakers within the Saudi family members.
6- The so-called anti-corruption campaign aiming to control the troublemakers who would oppose the crown-prince began by arresting the pampered prince Abdul-Aziz Ibn Fahd, and no response ever came from the Saudi family members. When king Salman and his son announced the intention to reject Wahabism and to review the so-called hadiths, no response ever came from the Saudi family members. All those who are feared by M. Ibn Salman have been arrested and their wealth confiscated, and no response ever came from the Saudi family members. When M. Ibn Salman has commanded the arrest and interrogation of hundreds of men, the Saudi family members have been terrified. M. Ibn Nayef who has been the interior minister who has tortured detainees on behalf of the Saudi kingdom and the USA is now arrested and imprisoned by the Blackwater ''Christian'' mercenaries. Al-Waleed Ibn Talal who has ridiculed Donald Trump and called him "a disgrace not only to the GOP but to all America" is now imprisoned and his US$ billions are confiscated and rumors have it that his daughter is imprisoned as well. Has this been done also by the Blackwater ''Christian'' mercenaries?!
7- The late notorious prince Mishaal, who confiscated hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of stretches of land in Arabia within the previous 50 years and died in 2017, never hid his ambition to be enthroned as king. In 2013, he was accused, by the British courts, of money-laundering, supporting terrorism, smuggling of precious stones from Congo, and offering a two-billion-dollar bribe to a UN official. Mishaal protested from the very start against appointing M. Ibn Salman as crown-prince without consulting him. fortunately for king Salman and his son, prince Mishaal died in 2017, and the crown-prince confiscated his liquid money inside the Saudi kingdom, about 400 billion US$, unlike most money of other princes which is in bank accounts abroad. Thus, the so-called anti-corruption campaign would not have been a success without confiscating the money of the late prince Mishaal.
Secondly: words of the blogger Mujtahidd on Twitter:
A mysterious Saudi prince is a blogger who calls himself Mujtahidd publishes online the scandals of the Saudi family members, and his latest Tweets on Twitter trace the steps of M. Ibn Salman who aims to monopolize power and confiscate all wealth. We summarize such tweets and give headings to them below.
The firing of Mutaib Ibn Abdullah from his post as the Commander of the National Guard:
1- After firing M. Ibn Nayef from his post as the minister of interior, the ministry of interior is now managed by M. Ibn Salman, who fired Mutaib Ibn Abdullah from his post as the Commander of the National Guard so that all armed forces would be under the control of the Saudi crown-prince; such steps pave the way so that M. Ibn Salman is enthroned officially as king while his father is alive. The newly formed Saudi State Security Apparatus loyal to M. Ibn Salman is filled with Egyptian experts of security and the Blackwater mercenaries.
2- M. Ibn Salman tried to make Mutaib easily accept his being fired in return for appointing one of his sons, but Mutaib refused and sought the help of his paternal uncle, the prince Ahmad Ibn Abdul-Aziz. The crown-prince has warned the Saudi family members that anyone who would contact the prince Ahmad Ibn Abdul-Aziz risks losing his life! This made them think twice before contacting the prince Ahmad Ibn Abdul-Aziz. Later on, M. Ibn Salman fired Mutaib from his post and this has coincided with the so-called anti-corruption campaign.
The so-called anti-corruption campaign as a façade to confiscate wealth and to monopolize power:
1- When the first step of M. Ibn Salman has been to arrest the prince Abdul-Aziz Ibn Fahd and to confiscate his possessions and wealth, no response ever came from the Saudi family members. This has encouraged the crown-prince to go on with the other steps in his plan.
2- M. Ibn Salman has decided to prevent the princes from traveling abroad unless within a prior written permission from him and he has imposed a certain limit for sums of money transferred abroad, never to be exceeded unless within a prior written permission from him. the crown-prince has commanded the preparation of a report about the possessions of the Saudi princes inside and outside the Saudi kingdom.
3- This report shows the trillions of US$ possessed by the Saudi princes and their followers and cronies. This report mentions that Khaled Al-Tuweijri has stolen more than US$ 300 billion when he was the Chief of the Royal Court under the late king Abdullah who trusted him absolutely. Those arrested ministers and businessmen within the campaign possess many US$ billions within their direct and indirect relations with Saudi princes.
4- Mutaib Ibn Abdullah was fired from his post within this anti-corruption campaign so as to make him appear as one of the corrupt ones. The Saudi media focus too much on this anti-corruption campaign to intimidate the Saudi family members. This anti-corruption campaign has included the suspension of some people and making investigations of other people inside and outside the Saudi kingdom in order to confiscate their possessions. The next step is to fire many Saudi princes from their posts like the princes who rule Tabuk, Mecca, Al-Ahsa, and Riyadh so that to appoint those who are loyal to Salman in their places.
5- Finally, Mujtahidd asserts the greed of M. Ibn Salman who intends to confiscate as many money and possessions as possible for his own bank accounts. He says that the crown-prince expects to gather between two and three trillion US$, while dedicating half a trillion US$ only to the Saudi budget. He says that M. Ibn Salman has bragged among his closest relatives that his wealth will exceed the wealth of Bill Gates, Mishaal Ibn Abdul-Aziz, Abdul-Aziz Ibn Fahd, Khaled Ibn Sultan, and Muhammad Ibn Fahd when combined together, as he desires to enter into the Guinness World Records as the richest man on Earth.
1- The degree of corrupting affluence of the Saudi royal family members has allowed the crown-prince, M. Ibn Salman, to control them under the motto of 'combating' corruption. It is no new piece of news that all members of the Saudi royal family are corrupt and compete for more ways of corruption. Those who claim to combat corruption must never have been a corrupt person; this certainly does NOT apply to king Salman and his sons, including the crown-prince, who are very corrupt. This is how the conditions of the Saudi royal family members have changed in comparison to their ancestors of the 18th and 19th centuries because of the curse of oil revenues.
2- It is noteworthy that king Salman warned his brother the prince Ahmad Ibn Abdul-Aziz by saying threateningly that the throne will be for his son, M. Ibn Salman, whether the Saudi family members like it or not. This means that the Saudi family members has no weight in the choice of the one to ascend the Saudi throne.
3- Who is protecting king Salman and his son the crown-prince? What is the source of this deep trust adopted by king Salman in his words? This entails some explanation on our part.
We continue in the next article.
تاريخ الانضمام | : | 2006-07-05 |
مقالات منشورة | : | 5169 |
اجمالي القراءات | : | 58,610,264 |
تعليقات له | : | 5,478 |
تعليقات عليه | : | 14,869 |
بلد الميلاد | : | Egypt |
بلد الاقامة | : | United State |
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القاموس القرآنى : الكفّارة والفدية
الفصل الأول : التقوى والايمان باليوم الآخر أساس الاجتهاد الاسلامى
الفصل الخامس : الاجتهاد الشيطانى العملى فى إضطهاد أهل الكتاب
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