According to one hadith a man’s calf should be covered,:
To whom who says the Qur’an is not complete

محمد صادق Ýí 2017-03-12

To whom who says the Qur’an is not complete

Once the Qur’an came to be deemed not self-sufficient and the need was felt to supplement it with hadiths and ijtihad, the rise of numerous sects was inevitable. The four sects prevalent today of the Sunni and Shia sects have had the largest followers among many that have emerged in history.

According to one hadith a man’s calf should be covered, according to another it might be uncovered; according to a commentary of a hadith bleeding would render a man canonically unclean, according to another, touching a woman’s hand would have the same effect. Those who were responsible for corrupting religion by reverting to sources other than the Qur’an tried to come to a settlement of such issues by having recourse to sects. In this way, the Islam of the Qur’an was transformed to the Islam of the sectarians. On the other hand, it so happened that the founder of a sect took into his head to enjoin the covering of a man’s body from the waist down to his knees based on a certain hadith, while another denied the authenticity of it. The founder of another sect thinks otherwise and disregards such a prohibition. The fact is that a given hadith was liable to be interpreted differently, but not the Qur’an since it is the unique source of Islam.

A Complete and "Fully Detailed" Scripture

To believe in the Qur’an, one must uphold six prime convictions contained in the book:

1: The Qur’an is the word of God.

2: The Qur’an is perfect with no contradictions.

3: The Qur’an is comprehensible and with no ambiguity.

4: The Qur’an is straightforward with no crookedness.

5: The Qur’an is complete.

6: The Qur’an is fully detailed: it encompasses all matters.

7: The Qur’an is the Truth.

All Muslims will certainly testify to the first condition, that the Qur’an is the word of God. It is in connection to the other five conditions that they will have lots of ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’! Sadly, the great majority of Muslims will fall short on some, or on all, of the other five conditions. Let us consider these six conditions in more detail.

FIRST: The Quran is the word of God

The Quran includes a physical proof which confirms beyond any doubt that the book is God given, and not the work of any human being:

 “This (Qur’an) too is a blessed scripture that we have revealed; you shall follow it and lead a righteous life, that you may attain mercy. Now you can no longer say, "The scripture was sent down to two groups before us (Jews and Christians), and we were unaware of their teachings"

Nor can you say, "If only a scripture could come down to us, we would be better guided than they." Now there has come to you a clear proof from your Lord and a beacon, and a mercy. Now, who is more evil than one who rejects these proofs from God, and disregards them? We will commit those who disregard our proofs to the worst retribution for their heedlessness” 6:155-157

The proof spoken of in 6:157 is in the mathematical structure of the Qur’an and the miracle found therein.

SECOND The Qur’an is perfect with no contradictions:

 “A.L.R. This is a book whose verses have been perfected” 11:1

No Qur’anic verse contradicts or invalidates another. However, a great number of Muslim scholars fail to acknowledge this truth. Through a false concept which they have devised, and which they call the ‘Al Nasekh’ (abrogator) and ‘Al Mansoukh’ (abrogated), they claim that some Qur’anic verses annul and invalidate other verses.

THIRD The Qur’an is clear and comprehensible.

“A.L.R. These are the signs of the clear book.” 12:1

” We have made it (the Qur’an) easy to understand and in your own tongue (language) that you may take heed” 44:58

Although God confirms that the Qur’an is clear and easy to understand, yet the same scholars who advocate the "abrogation lie" tell us that the Qur’an is difficult to understand, and that nobody is qualified to interpret it except their likes! What nonsense! They even go to the extent of prohibiting its interpretation by anyone who does not possess a degree from one of their acknowledged Islamic academies! However, their interpretations are often far more ambiguous than they claim the Qur’an to be!

They argue that since the Qur’an is ambiguous there is a justified need for the hadith. For them, the hadith offers the guidance required to understand the Qur’an!

Apart from numerous other contradictions that are found in the claims of these scholars, the claim that the hadith of the prophet offer guidance is in clear violation of the following Qur’anic verse:

"Say, "I possess no power to harm you, nor to guide you." 72:21

If the prophet is commanded by God to say that he cannot guide us, how can his hadith offer us guidance?

Generally speaking, the Qur’an contains five types of verses:

1- Law giving: These are the verses that include all the rituals, the prohibitions, and the laws of God.

2- Warning: These are the verses that warn against disobeying God. These verses speak of a sin, a warning against it and an assigned punishment.

3- Narrative: Examples of these verses are those which relate the stories of previous prophets.... etc.

4.-Informative: Examples of these are the verses which contain scientific information, (e.g. verses which speak of the universe, geology or embryology, etc.).

5- Reflective: Like the verses which contain various parables.

On Judgement Day, believers will be accountable to the first two types of verses (Law giving and Warning verses) regardless of which divine scripture they follow. On the other hand, no one will be accountable for the last three types of verses.

The Qur’an was not only revealed for the intellectuals or the scholars, but also for the unlearned and simple folk who may not be as clever. For that specific reason, and because God is the Fairest, God deliberately made sure that these law giving verses, for which we will be held accountable, are very clear and straightforward.

These verses are clear and straightforward, not through the interpretations of the scholars (as they claim), but through the simple words of God (12:1 and 44:58).

God distinguishes between the clear straightforward verses (the law giving in particular) and between other verses which could be interpreted in more than one way:

“He sent down to you this scripture, containing authoritative verses, which constitute the essence of the scripture, as well as multiple-meaning or allegorical verses. Those who harbor doubts in their hearts will pursue the multiple-meaning verses to create confusion, and to extricate a certain meaning. None knows the true meaning thereof except God, and those well founded in knowledge they say, "We believe in this-all of it comes from our Lord." Only those who possess intelligence will take heed” 3:7

If the law giving verses of the Qur’an were complex and required a degree of intelligence to understand them, and follow them, then there would be a favorable bias given to the intelligent. But because of God's justice and fairness, we find that the law giving verses are made very clear and straightforward. Thus no injustices would befall anyone. This is made quite clear in the Quran in numerous verses such as:

“God does not inflict an atom’s weight of injustice.”4:40

An example of the straightforward law giving is the verse that specifies the steps of ablution:

“O you who believe, when you observe the Contact Prayers, you shall wash your faces, wash your arms to the elbows, wipe your heads and your feet to the ankles” 5:6

This simple order from God is phrased in such simple and direct words that it is not possible to find different words which would make the meaning any clearer.

To be continued…

اجمالي القراءات 6601

للمزيد يمكنك قراءة : اساسيات اهل القران
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تاريخ الانضمام : 2007-10-30
مقالات منشورة : 449
اجمالي القراءات : 7,255,198
تعليقات له : 702
تعليقات عليه : 1,407
بلد الميلاد : Egypt
بلد الاقامة : Canada