آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2016-12-16
Fatwas Part two:
Ahmed Subhy Mansour
Atheists Are Coming!
Published in December 15, 2016
Translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Question: Dear Sir, allow me to express our admiration for your intellectual endeavor to fight backward thought and the current false versions of Islam … You present indeed a modern understanding fir for our age and values of today, while appealing to reasoning minds … Hence, our Arab atheists forum would like you to participate within friendly discussions online … We would like to pose some questions to you about certain topics related to sharia, jihad, etc. In fact, we aim to present to Arab atheists a more tolerant version of Islam that accepts the other. We would be very happy if you accept our invitation; but if you have no time, please recommend to us whomever you consider as a representative of Quranists and their website to contact him/her on your behalf … we have followed the content of your website for months, and as the webmaster of the Arab atheist forum website, I express my admiration of your line of thought … we would like to know your opinions about atheists' views of Islam, which are based on traditions prevalent today which offer a faulty reading of the Quran, as you assert in all your writings. I would like you to answer questions posed by my fellow atheists … we can arrange questions and their type beforehand if you wish … thank you Dr. Mansour …
1- We, as a person, do not represent Islam. Nobody does. Indeed, Islam is represented only through the Quran. Quranists represent themselves individually; each of them is a separate entity with his/her own understanding of the Quran. We, Dr. Mansour, are no exception to this rule; our views represent our mind and thinking only. No one should dare to assert he or she represents Islam; even Prophet Muhammad does not represent Islam. We and our fellow Quranists have explained certain concepts and offer our reading and understanding that our minds dictates. We, as a person, have defined concepts, terms, and notions based on the Quranic text alone: such as ''Islam", "faith'', ''belief'', disbelief'', ''polytheism'', etc.
2- As per the Quran, real believers in it are prohibited to participate in debates over Quranic verses; any discussions with non-Quranists are welcome ONLY when based on one premise: the belief in the Quran. This is not the case with your forum.
3- We, as a person, respect your free choice and stance regarding religion in general and Quranism, our faith, in particular. Personally, we think that atheists are far better that those Muhammadans who attribute themselves and their heinous crimes forcibly to Islam, thus tarnishing its name with their man-made sharia and their terrorism.
4- Quranists consider that every single peaceful person is a Muslim (i.e., submitter to peace), regardless of this person's religious beliefs or lack of any belief. Quranists and atheists share one common thing; adherence to peace and non-violence, and this is belief in terms of behavior as we have written before. Quranists and atheists differ in one matter of vital importance: the formers believe within their hearts and minds in Allah alone as God and in the Day of Resurrection. Tolerance should prevail as God is the Sole Judge of faiths of people during the Last Day in the Hereafter.
5- Those who commit acts of violence, crimes, aggressions, and transgressions are disbelievers in terms of behavior and in terms of belief/faith, and Quranists reject and denounce them and never ally themselves with such criminals.
Circumcision of Males
Published in May 6, 2007
Translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Question: … I read your views concerning the fact that circumcision of males and females is a bad social and traditional habit that has nothing to do with Islam … What if someone insists on circumcising their male baby? Will this be punished by God as this is a change of God's creation?
We assert here that indeed, circumcision has nothing to do with Islam or the celestial, divine religion inspired by God to all prophets. This habit is found only in man-made, fabricated, earthly religions. Yet, circumcision has nothing to do with changing God's creation to which you refer, according to the verse: "And I will mislead them, and I will entice them, and I will prompt them to slit the ears of cattle, and I will prompt them to alter the creation of God…" (4:119). This verse is talking about changing innate nature from monotheism (i.e., dedicating one's faith and act of worship to God alone) to polytheism and disbelief; we do not think that this verse is referring to circumcision at all.
Published in May 23, 2007
Translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Question: … I am an atheist who respect you very much indeed, Dr. Mansour … Thanks in advance for your answering my question … Since the Quran is addressing human beings and Jinn together, why most Quranic verses revolve around human beings alone? … I find that strange …
Jinn, angels, and devils are ethereal beings and creatures that can never be seen by human beings. God says the following about Iblis (Satan) and devils and the level in which they exist: "…He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them…" (7:27). Not to see a thing does not mean it does not exist; modern science tells us about many things surrounding us and we cannot see within our vision field. The human scientific mind today no longer denies things unseen; the universe has many levels, too big and so many in comparison to our limited senses. Elements unseen and unknown exist even when our senses are too limited to realize their existence. Quranists are to believe the unseen and the unknown told in the Quran alone; otherwise, any notions about devils, Jinn, and angels outside the Quran is, of course, mythological. What is mentioned in the Quran about devils, Jinn, and angels is the Absolute Truth from God, the Creator of the universe. As for your good question, and we thank you for posing it, we assert here that indeed, the Quranic text is addressed to both humans and Jinn, and we agree with your view that mostly, Quranic verses revolve around human beings. The reason: Jinn can see human beings and can know more than human beings about humanity itself and about the universe; whereas human beings cannot see Jinn and know very little about Jinn; we know only Quranic facts about Jinn; within other sources, anything about Jinn is myths and falsehoods. Hence, it is human beings who need more knowledge in comparison to Jinn; this is why most verses revolve around human beings. Please repeat with me this verse from the bottom of your heart: "…He sees you, him and his clan, from where you cannot see them…" (7:27). God says nothing but the Truth.
Gay Muslims!
Published in December 26, 2013
Translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Question: … I live in the USA … I know several gay Muslim men and some are even legally married to other gay men, and they are still considering themselves as practicing Muslims … those gay Muslims are very good, peaceful persons with high morals an good manners and believe in God and in the Quran. Will God punish them in Hell in the Hereafter? Will God forgive them because they are monotheists, just and fair, and good and upright persons?
We beg to differ with your view; one cannot be a practicing homosexual and a Quran-believing person at the same time. This is impossible and they are certainly deceive themselves. Sodomy and indeed all homosexual practices are major, grave sins exactly like fornication and adultery. Those persons to whom you refer in your message should repent before they die if they want to avoid Hell in the Hereafter. All those who die without repentance as they insist on disobeying God will dwell in Hell for eternity. In the following verses, God urges practicing homosexuals to repent as early as possible during their lifetime: "If two men among you commit it, rebuke them both severely. But if they repent and reform, leave them alone. God is Redeemer, Full of Mercy. Repentance is available from God for those who commit evil out of ignorance, and then repent soon after. These-God will relent towards them. God is Knowing and Wise. But repentance is not available for those who commit evils, until when death approaches one of them, he says, "Now I repent," nor for those who die as disbelievers. These-We have prepared for them a painful torment." (4:16-18).
Performing Prayers in Planes
Published in April 30, 2013
Translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Question: … How should I perform prayers during air flight journeys? … Thank you.
You should perform prayers while sitting on your chair in a plane. What is of vital importance is piety during prayers and that you do not pass its time. The five daily prayers take minutes only to be performed. Instead of performing ablution, you can perform Tayammum by rubbing your hands gently against a clean surface near you and then rub gently your both hands and your face. This is our Quranist view ofTayammum. There is no room for hardships, complications, or difficulties within performing acts of worship, especially the five daily prayers as a religious duty linked to specified times. Thus, the five daily prayers are due to be performed as a must in all cases, even when chased by enemies. Alleviation within prayers is specified in the Quran as in the case of combining two prayers in one time in case of being threatened or frightened, as in to perform pray while sitting or lying down if one cannot kneel and prostrate etc. for any reasons or when ill, and to performTayammum in case of not finding water or when one cannot reach it to perform ablution.
Feasts after Ramadan and Hajj
Published in September 21, 2007
Translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Question: … Are the two major feasts celebrated by the Muhammadans after Ramadan and after Hajj part of real Islam? … Are such feasts mere fabrications? Did Prophet Muhammad celebrate such occasions or not?
We assert here that there is no feasts to be celebrated in Islam at all; all such feasts are man-made and fabricated items related to social habits and traditions. Islam is ONLY what is found in the Quran. More details on that topic can be found in our book published here on our website, titled "Prayers in the Quran". Of course, any secular celebrations or social habits are OK only when one does not revere, honor, or sanctify anything or anyone apart from God and as long as one does not follow Sunnite, Shiite, and Sufi religious practices and notions of the Muhammadans.
Losing the Masses
Published in August 26, 2014
Translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Question: … Why do you insist on losing the masses, Dr. Mansour? You can change or mitigate your way of discourse and address within your writing style to coax them and to win them to your side and to Quranism …
We personally do not care about who guide or misguide themselves; this is a personal, individual responsibility in this life with consequences in the Hereafter. We have to ambition to gather as many 'followers' as possible; we do not care for money or authority. Our only concern is to save ourselves so as not to enter into Hell and to be among the winners in Paradise. We do not care a farthing for gratifying people or incurring their wrath. We care only for pleasing Almighty God and asking His pardon and forgiveness.
No Sanctification for Copies of the Quran
Published in May 8, 2016
Translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Question: … Shiite clergymen insist that if Wahabi Sunnites consider Shiite worshipping at mausoleums as polytheism, this applies as well to those who sanctify copies of the Quran as holy items made of paper and other materials. Is this view of Quran copies true? What is your own opinion on that subject? Thank you …
Real Muslims honor and revere the Word of God when reading it, but they are not to sanctify or make 'holy' the copies of the Quran or consider them as relics to obtain Baraka (i.e., benediction) : these copies are merely paper, ink, and other materials, and it is written by computers, and one cannot deify items or things in Islam. Please read our article on people in the West who call for desecrating copies of the Quran.
Donating Human Organs
Published in April 22, 2013
Translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Question: … Is it prohibited within Quranism to donate human organs? And why? … Thank you for answering me …
The answer is no: this is not prohibited at all. Things prohibited in Islam are mentioned clearly as such in the Quranic text alone. Any donation of any kind is acceptable to God Who will reward doers of good deeds and acts of charity. In contrast, Sunnite Wahabi clergymen and sheikhs are ignoramuses who fear their lack of knowledge might be exposed, and thus they resort to prohibit anything new to them within any contemporary issues never mentioned in tomes, volumes, and books authored by their forefathers (their saints and imams) in the Middle Ages. This is easier for such fabricators of falsehoods. The Sunnite sheikhs think they should prohibit countless items to prevent sinning! They forget that God is the Only Legislator in Islam (i.e., the Quran alone). Such clergymen contradict the Quranic sharia which is based on alleviation and facilitation for all people. Their Sunnite Wahabi sharia is based on extremism, bigotry, fanaticism, countless prohibitions, specifications, and details, and of course blind obedience of countless books authored in ancient times.
Beyond Its Capacity
Published in December 11, 2015
Translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Question: … We read in the Quran: "God does not burden any soul beyond its capacity…" (2:286) … What does this phrase in this Quranic verse mean? …
It means that within duties imposed by Allah in the Quran, He does not command us with things that are beyond our efforts and ability. For instance, there are many alleviation and facilitation methods mentioned in the Quran concerning how to perform the five daily prayers and to perform Tayammum instead of ablution in case there is no water available. God tells us in the Quran that all religious duties are within one's capability and ability, and no one is ordered to do anything that is extremely difficult or impossible. In contrast, within the earthly, man-made, fabricated religions, clergymen invent countless ways to burden people beyond their capacity with numberless details and intricate items that indicate extremism and fanaticism, especially by prohibiting what is permissible, lawful, and legal in Islam (i.e., Quranism).
The Veil of Our Wife
Published in April 9, 2012
Translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Question: … I live in the USA … I beg your pardon; I'm gonna ask you a personal question … I donned the veil for years, but after converting to Quranism, as real Islam, I was convinced by your writings that Islam does not require hijab, scarf, or veil or any headdress for women… I'm an unveiled Muslim woman now for years, and my parents and folks have rebuked me for it until they acquiesced eventually, as they are not Quranists … the Washington Post has recently published a photo of you along with your wife. To my surprise, the photo shows she is veiled. I feel guilty now that I discarded the veil, pardon me; how come that your wife is veiled?! Thank you …
You are welcome, my daughter, and we thank you for posing this good question. We and our wife came from a rural village in Egypt. Headdresses or scarves are normal within women in our household as is the case for most village women in Egypt. Hence, our wife does not wear a veil or a scarf for any religious (Sunnite, Shiite) reason at all; it is just her habit as she has been accustomed to it in Egypt and in the USA. Once we immigrated, we asked her to remove this scarf and told her it is permissible in Islam to show her hair in public indoors and outdoors. She refused because she has been accustomed to cover her head since she was an adolescent. We respected her wish and argued with her no more. But she knows and she is quite sure that this has nothing to do with Islam. When our wife was an adolescent, the veil (i.e., hijab) was never known in the Egyptian society at all; let alone the full-veil covering the face (i.e., niqab). But in rural areas of Egypt at the time, most women cover their heads at the time partially or wholly for social non-religious reasons. Thank you again for posing this question to clarify this matter.
We Are to Declare the Truth
Published in April 2, 2014
Translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Question: … I thank you very much for your intellectual endeavors to make us get to know real Islam that is wholesome to the soul, heart, and mind without mediators of any kind … Yet, I wanna advise you about your writing tone; it is too harsh and shocking for beginners and novices … Why would you drive people away by being so strict and so verbally abusive of Sunnites, Wahabis, etc. You have made me learn to judge acts and deeds and not persons or faiths of others … Why do you insist on ridiculing faiths of the Muhammadans? I know you are absolutely right about the fact that Quranism is real Islam, but I do believe you can win more people to convert to Quranism by adopting a different language and style. Thank you …
Any true Quranist must declare the Truth outspokenly and openly, without roundabout manner or elusive, sweet talking that compromise. We must declare Sunnite, Shiite, and Sufi creeds and notions as against Islam and as forms of polytheism that contradict the Quran. We must shock readers to wake them up; we bear full responsibility of our views before the Almighty within this transient life and within the Day of Resurrection. We are fully aware of such major responsibility and we aim to enter Paradise by defending and propagating the true religion of God as well as exposing falsehoods that tarnish the name of Islam. We never sanctify or worship any names, things, historical figures, etc. and we never care about pleasing people or making them hate us. We care only to gratify God; we never seek transient possessions of this world and never lust after money and wealth. We offer Quranic guidance within peaceful intellectual jihad online, and we do not care about number of those who (mis)guide themselves. This is personal duty within each human being's heart and mind to save one's soul. We hope always to be among the guided pious ones who will enter Paradise.
Weird Sexual Whispers
Published in April 8, 2014
Translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Question: … My wife demands anal sex from me, is this permitted or prohibited?! Does she needs medical therapy or the help of a psychiatrist? I advised her to be more religious. I feel she has become a weird person … I suspect her and no longer trust her. Does she receive devilish whispers?! She spoke frankly to me that she was molested as a child; does this have anything to do with her wish for anal sex? She told me she used to masturbate before we got married; is this normal?! I feel at loss … She is 19 years old, by the way, and we got married months ago … What do you think?
A married couple has the right to enjoy each other sexually in any way they like as long as mutual consent is provided. Do not judge your innocent wife because of anything in the past; do not misjudge her for demanding anal sex, as it is not forbidden in Islam as Sunnites claim; do not be unjust towards your wife. It seems that you are obsessive and worry too much over trivial matters. First years of marriage are the chance for more intimacy and allowing love to grow between a husband and a wife. Frankness and compromising are essential for happy married life. There is no problem actually in your life. Do not complicate matters by ascribing all your wife's behavior or wishes to her being molested as a child. Be aware of God and fear Him! do not treat your wife unkindly.
Prayers during the Period
Published in October 21, 2006
Translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Question: … Can women perform prayers while having their period? …
As we have asserted before, menstruation does not hinder any acts of worship at all, including prayers, fasting, and reading the Quran. As far as the Quran is concerned, the period prevents women only from having sex with their husbands.
Avoiding Alcohol
Published in September 23, 2015
Translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Question: … I am a teetotal Muslim living in the West, but my question is related to getting a job as a waiter who carries wine to customers and guests in a restaurant. Is this prohibited? What about if one cannot find any other work to earn his living or accept this job temporarily until getting a better one? … Thank you.
We have written before in our articles that the Quranic command of avoiding alcohol/wine is not confined to avoid drinking it; rather, it means to avoid getting near it by selling, buying, delivering, transporting, making, and offering it. as you see, there is financial and economic benefits for some people within gambling and within alcohol industry and catering. But their evil and gross sinning is bigger in effect. Avoidance in the Quran means strict prohibition without exceptions at all. Hence, real believers in the Quran should never work within fields related to wine and alcohol at all. One's lifetime is a test on earth, and one is to choose one's decisions, stances, and behavior. Most people fail this test and follow their whims. Earning one's living is assured for those who look seriously for jobs and honest employment. Ill-gotten money is never good on the long run; and the patient ones who look for good jobs will earn better money without pangs of conscience. God has given us free choice and a reasoning mind, and then, judgment will come with either eternal punishment or everlasting reward in the Hereafter.
Why Focusing on Egypt
Published in October 5, 2013
Translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Question: … Why most of your writings focus on Egypt? You are supposed to be a Quranist Islamic thinker, and the Quran is for all Muslims regardless of nationalities … Why do not you get rid of this obsession with Egypt and focus only on religious reform?
Thank you for your good question; we would like to be permitted to clarify this matter here. What occurs in Egypt influences the whole Arab world and the countries of the Muhammadans. Events of the international political scene influence Egypt internally, of course. You have to bear in mind, our dear son, that Egypt is the pioneer, leading country of the Middle East for centuries until now. It is the only country mentioned in the Quran that has retained most of its political features, entity, and anthropological characteristics. Egypt's enormous influence on the religious thought of Jews, Christians, and Muslims (or rather the Muhammadans) with the passage of centuries cannot be overemphasized. We refer you to our book titled "Egypt in the Quran". Based on the fact that we specialize in the Quran and Quranist studies and in Egyptian history makes us easily compare Quranic rules to Egyptian life past and present to explain religious and political topics. If Egypt undertakes religious reform, the evil Wahabism will vanish from the whole world and Quranism will spread as true Islam worldwide. Of course, Egypt occupies a great part of our writings as its nation can be used a yard-stick to measure Arab people's views and stances as far as Quranism is concerned. We sincerely hope that each Quranist would write about his/her country in the form of articles on our website to get to know about other nations' cultures and history and actual events related to social, political, and religious aspects. Without exaggeration, our writings cover other topics apart from Egypt and its history and politics: about history of early Muslims (or Muhammadans), about how the earthly, man-made religions and doctrines of Sunnites, Shiites, and Sufis have developed and ascribed themselves forcibly to Islam, and about the USA and the West and how evil is the KSA. Lastly, one cannot be blamed for loving his homeland Egypt.
A Prophet for the Eskimo People
Published in December 2, 2013
Translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Question: … Why did God sent prophets only within countries of the Middle East? … Why the Eskimo people does not have a prophet of their own? What about people in India, China, Australia, South America, etc.? Thank you for your time …
God says the following in the Quran: "Some messengers We have already told you about, while some messengers We have not told you about. And God spoke to Moses directly. Messengers delivering good news, and bringing warnings; so that people may have no excuse before God after the coming of the messengers. God is Powerful and Wise." (4:164-165). Accordingly, we do not know all prophets and messengers of God; what we are sure about is that every human society everywhere had its reformer/warner to call for the Truth of God within God's revelation: "You are only a warner. We sent you with the truth; a bearer of good news, and a warner. There is no community but a warner has passed through it." (35:23-24). Any societies which had no prophets were not punished by God: "… No burdened soul carries the burdens of another, nor do We ever punish until We have sent a messenger. " (17:15). There are two main fats within the religious history of humanity:
1- However backward, isolated, and primitive a given society is or was, people know the existence of the Creator, the flood, angels, and demons, etc., and this indicates that they know religion.
2- However advanced and civilized a given society is or was, the vast majority believe in gods or deities beside God the Creator of the world. Most of the deified mortals were either good people, reformers, leaders, messengers, or prophets, but after the true religion is ignored and overlooked, it is usually supplanted by clergymen and an earthly, man-made, fabricated creeds. After a given prophet was preaching the true religion of (There Is No God but Allah), he would be deified after his death, as a deity alongside with God. Clergymen and saints are additional gods that emerge with the passage of time. This is repeated within eras after Noah, even Muhammad and Jesus are still being deified after their death. Our late brother, Dr. M. Alaa Eddine Mansour, who headed the Persian language section within the Oriental Languages Department within Faulty of Arts, Cairo University, had written a research proving that Zoroaster, the deity of the Persians and other Asians within certain historical periods, is in fact Abraham, the patriarchal figure in the Quran and the Bible. Some historians claim that even Buddha might have been a prophet or a messenger of God who was deified after his death; this is called apotheosis in many creeds of the past. Likewise, despite the existence of the Quran intact in its entirety, the Muhammadans of all types and eras have worshipped Muhammad as a deity beside God. We have written a lot in detail about deification of Muhammad as a notion that contradicts Islam (the Quran) to warn the Muhammadans, but most of them ignore, overlook, and disregard us, and you are fully aware of this sad fact.
The Bribes
Published in June 1, 2014
Translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Question: … Bribes are never mentioned in the Quran; and you deny and reject hadiths and Sunna: what is your opinion about taking bribes and bribing others? Thank you for your time …
Indeed, you are mistaken; bribes are prohibited in the Quran as per this verse: "And do not consume one another's wealth by unjust means, nor offer it as bribes to the officials in order to consume part of other people's wealth illicitly, while you know." (2:188). Instead of readily accusing the Quran of lacking anything, make sure you read the entire archive of our books, researchers, and articles published on our website.
What about Israel?
Published in January 11, 2015
Translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Question: … I am reading now your English and Arabic articles … As for your political articles, I sense a sort of sympathy with Israel and the Zionist entity that unjustly and unlawfully occupies Palestine … Of course, I am against suicide bombers, but what is your stance regarding Israel?!
We tend to think that Israel is a legitimate entity as per the UN and the international law. Israeli Arabs who live there enjoy better conditions and standard of living in comparison to Arabs in Arab countries. Let us not forget that the UN and the international law acknowledges the Fascist regime of the KSA. But we, ourselves, tend to think that the KSA is a legitimate entity as well, just like Israel, and we are still criticizing the Saudi Wahabism, grave injustices, tyranny, and terrorism spread worldwide.
Children of Quranists
Published in June 26, 2013
Translated by: Ahmed Fathy
Question: … Since I came across your website by accident, I feel I have found true Islam that I have been searching for all my life. Please accept my warmest salutations and respect … My wife and I are Quranists now thanks to you, but without telling anyone else for fear of being persecuted … my question is as follows: my small children are being taught religion at school, and they are not fully aware that there is no such a thing in real Islam called hadiths and so on … How could I prevent any negative influence of such school textbooks on my kids? They do not know that such textbooks contain myths and that Prophet Muhammad is innocent of such falsehoods, but they dare not tell anyone. I find great difficulty in studying such textbooks of Sunnite myths to explain them to my kids at home to pass exams at school … what shall I do?
God bless you and your Quranist family. Of course, your children must be taught at home all Quranist facts and how there is a contradiction between Islam (i.e., Quranism) and behavior and notions of the Muhammadans around them. You should talk to them at home privately about the fact that formal, public education dominant at your country has nothing to do with Islam; it teaches Sunnite Wahabism. Talk to them in a simple, gentle manner while quoting the Quran and assert that they must hide their being Quranists. Talk to them about their having to study religious textbooks of their school to pass the exam, while asserting that such books are 100% wrong and contain nothing but mythology. Such awareness when raised during childhood will make them a better Muslims and will allow them to acquire critical thinking skills. God bless and protect you and all your family members.
تاريخ الانضمام | : | 2006-07-05 |
مقالات منشورة | : | 5171 |
اجمالي القراءات | : | 58,736,269 |
تعليقات له | : | 5,479 |
تعليقات عليه | : | 14,871 |
بلد الميلاد | : | Egypt |
بلد الاقامة | : | United State |
القاموس القرآنى عن ( الاستعجال )
الفصل الثانى : الاجتهاد فى التدبر القرآنى وفى الاسلام والكفر والعبادات
القاموس القرآنى : الكفّارة والفدية
الفصل الأول : التقوى والايمان باليوم الآخر أساس الاجتهاد الاسلامى
دعوة للتبرع
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