I Said to Him: Shut Up! You Lie Just Like Abu Hurayrah!

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2015-12-15


I Said to Him: Shut Up! You Lie Just Like Abu Hurayrah!

Was published in Arabic in February 28, 2015

Translated by Ahmed Fathy



He said to me: They released Mubarak and his cronies out of jail after a deal to split their ill-gotten money together fifty-fifty.

I said to him: Shut up! You lie just like Abu Hurayrah!

He said to me: No doubt that Mubarak and his cronies are guilty by irrefutable proof that they are a bunch of thieves; yet, they released them all as innocent. It is clear that Mubarak and his cronies have bought their freedom by giving away some of their ill-gotten money. This money entered the pockets and bank accounts of the new power and authority people.  

I said to him: Shut up! You lie just like Abu Hurayrah! 

He said to me: By setting Mubarak and his cronies free, Egypt can no longer retrieve the money they smuggled abroad. To get such money back to Egypt seems now impossible. It is certain that such money has been transferred to other bank accounts to other people; that is to say, from the accounts of people of the old regime to the accounts of people of the new regime.

I said to him: Shut up! You lie just like Abu Hurayrah! 

He said to me: The budget of the Egyptian military can never be divulged to any civil institution, not even to the parliament to discuss and review, as the case of democratic states. Yet weapons bought by the Egyptian military are known to Israel and other countries. This is entirely unknown to Egyptian citizens. The Egyptian military invests its money inside Egypt; it owns lands, factories, and companies run by military men with no state supervision. No one knows the exact boundaries among the military budget and bank accounts of military men and leaders who own almost everything in Egypt and all matters of the military; they act as if they were occupying Egypt. Thus, releasing Mubarak and his cronies would be included within these investment activities.     

I said to him: Shut up! You lie just like Abu Hurayrah! 

He said to me: Confiscating the money of Mubarak and his cronies would have been possible simply if there had been a clear political will and vision. It would have been enough to treat Mubarak and his cronies like any Egyptian prisoner: sleeping in the floor, getting the same bad treatment received by any Egyptian in police stations and State Security detention rooms as well as other prisons, which some locations of them are known and some other unknown. Just only one night of this would have made those pampered filthily rich thieves admit to all thefts and return all the money to the budget of Egypt when it was on the brink of bankruptcy. This would have been done instead of getting loans from gulf monarchies. A deal has been done with Mubarak and his cronies the thieves to release them and declare them innocent of all accusations in return for some of the loot.   

I said to him: Shut up! You lie just like Abu Hurayrah! 

He said to me: The scenario has been skillfully written from the very beginning; Mubarak and his cronies have been put in five-star rooms in the prisons. Evidence that would have made them guilty had been falsified and distorted to be used later on as evidence of innocence. They have been tried in criminal courts, not in political revolutionary courts. The defendants' lawyers had the chance to find loopholes in all cases and in the laws. This has been done alongside with going-on negotiations of the deal I have mentioned, until it has been concluded at last. Upon their release, the opponents of Mubarak and his cronies like youth leaders of the revolution have been incarcerated. They have been fined heavily, despite their being poor.   

I said to him: Shut up! You lie just like Abu Hurayrah! 

He said to me: If the current regime men have been loyal patriots who love Egypt, they would have held political revolutionary courts to try Mubarak and his cronies to hold them responsible for ruining, weakening, belittling, and impoverishing Egypt and killing thousands of its youth. Such trials would have proved Mubarak and his cronies guilty, and they would have received the capital punishment. During such trials, Mubarak and his cronies would have been forced to return all money stolen from the Egyptian people.

I said to him: Shut up! You lie just like Abu Hurayrah! 

He said to me: The Mubarak regime is recreating itself without its head: Mubarak. This is worse than the past. Apart from corruption spreading everywhere, there are torture, framing, killings of demonstrators, assassination of opposition leaders, and fashioners of laws. The corrupt tycoons have developed new appetite for more loot, whereas the vast majority of Egyptians are on the brink of dying out of hunger. They might die by torture or getting killed if they march in a demonstration to call for social justice, bread, and liberty. Releasing Mubarak and his cronies as innocent is an act of defiance to the feelings of millions of Egyptians who revolted against him in 2011.

I said to him: Shut up! You lie just like Abu Hurayrah! 

He said to me: It is a well-known old habit during the military rule since 1952 in all its stages; after Gamal Abdel-Nasser's death, his cronies were imprisoned and tried, and then later on released after concluding deal to cede some of their loot they stole. After the assassination of Sadat, Mubarak held sham trials for some of the corrupt cronies, brothers, and relatives of Sadat. Deals have been concluded with them to get some of their ill-gotten possessions to the new ruler and his cronies. The same story was repeated after the ouster of Mubarak. The only difference is the huge amount of loot: not millions, but billions this time.  

I said to him: Shut up! You lie just like Abu Hurayrah! 

He said to me: This old habit harks back to the Mameluke Era in Egypt; the new Mameluke sultan would confiscate the possessions of his predecessor. This confiscation was often linked with unbearable torture in The Citadel Prison in Cairo, which is still used as a prison until now.

I said to him: Shut up! You lie just like Abu Hurayrah! 

He said to me: The only difference between history and the present moment is that the Mameluke sultans used to use some of their ill-gotten money to erect educational, medical, and charity institutions, which are now part of Cairene tourist locations. I mean to say that the Mamelukes used to build for the sake of the Egyptians; they did not smuggle their money abroad. Hence, we can say that the foreign Mameluke military men were better than the Egyptian military men.   

I said to him: Shut up! You lie just like Abu Hurayrah! 

He said to me: Another major difference is that the Mameluke sultans occupied vast lands from south of Turkey to the west of Iraq, and from Libya to Cyprus, and they defeated the Moghuls and the crusaders. They used to control trade in the East. They occupied the Levant and all Hejaz. Cairo has been for a while the center of the Abbasid caliphate. Cairo was a civilization center of the Arabs and Muslims. The military men of Egypt of today have lost Sinai in 1967. Great Britain used to be indebted to Egypt: a large sum amounted to 55 million Sterling before 1952. Later on, Egypt gets loans to pay the interests of other debts. The Egyptian pound used to be higher in value than the US$ until the 1970s; now the US$ is worth eight Egyptian pounds. The Mameluke military men used to face whole Europe. The Egyptian military cannot now face the terrorists of Hamas in Gaza and cannot face Qatar. Egypt is now no longer the mother of the world civilization; it has become a subservient country to the KSA, the last in its list that includes Israel in top of this list of allies of the KSA. Cairo used to compete with Paris in cleanliness and beauty in the 1920s, now it is drowning in tons of rubbish in most streets. In sum, the Mameluke military men defeated the enemies of Egypt, whereas the military men of today defeated Egyptian citizens and robbed their money. The Mameluke military men used to make their own arms and weapons to defeat enemies of Egypt, whereas the current military men buy arms and weapons with Egyptian money to kill Egyptian citizens!               

I said to him: Shut up! You lie just like Abu Hurayrah! 

He said to me: The Mameluke military men were foreigners who ruled with tyranny and stole money of the Egyptians in accordance to Middle-Ages norms. This cannot go on by the current military men in a logic that goes against our age of human rights, democracy, and social justice.  

I said to him: Shut up! You lie just like Abu Hurayrah! 

He said to me: If military men would not listen to the voice of reason, blood baths would occur in Egypt and destroy everyone inevitably. They would appear as bad examples for other coming generations of Egyptians.

I said to him: Shut up! You lie just like Abu Hurayrah! 

He said to me: History will be the judge to determine who is right and wrong!

I said to him: Shut up! You lie just like Abu Hurayrah!




  But he did not shut up, because he lies just like Abu Hurayrah. The lies of Abu Hurayrah are still sanctified and made holy until this very moment by the Sunnite Muhammadans. His lies have formed the earthly, 100% human-made, fabricated Sunnite creed. Abu Hurayrah is still being deified, sanctified, and worshipped by both the terrorist MB group members and the military rule men!      

اجمالي القراءات 7326

للمزيد يمكنك قراءة : اساسيات اهل القران
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بلد الميلاد : Egypt
بلد الاقامة : United State

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