Rules of engagement in war of ideas against Jihadists:
Preface of Part Two: To define its missions

آحمد صبحي منصور Ýí 2015-02-23


Rules of engagement in war of ideas against Jihadists

Preface of   Part Two: To define its missions


Like any war, it is must to define our missions. Our enemy has already defined its missions in brainwashing Muslims inside the US and the West and in the entire Muslim World to destroy the (Camp of war, camp of infidels) and to reestablish the One Muslim Nation under the rule of Caliphs.

Define missions must be in the realm of what could be done even if it needs struggle and hard work. It is a waste of time, lives and energy to try to accomplish impossible missions. Our enemy has impossible missions. For many reasons it is impossible for them to destroy the West and the whole West. Not only because the West and the US are the strongest powers, but it is also because those fanatics live in our time trying to apply ancient culture of Middle ages that is out of date. We live now in the culture of human rights, democracy, justice and religious freedom. This culture is the biggest challenge they have, and finally it will terminate their danger. However, those Jihadists are using the available tactics they have by using all means in brainwashing and recruiting men and women to prepare them as suicide bombers. The fanatics Muslims are actually waging this war of ideas in Arabic language against the U.S, and the Jews. They are also doing their best in brainwashing the majority of the Muslims around the world.

They are successful in this regards.  They have created the suicide bomber who is eager to blow himself up in order to kill as many innocent people as possible from among Christians, Jews and, yes, other Muslims. Young men are usually inspired by dreams of the future and of enjoying their lives, but the suicide bomber is motivated only by war of ideas to be a martyr and he is convinced that virgins are waiting for him in paradise and will reward him for blowing himself up amongst "infidels."
This suicide bomber is a human bomb walking the streets ready to destroy other people, any time and any place. It is very difficult to recognize him and to predict where and when he will strike.

It is painful to assure that the American policy makers are responsible for this success. The US befriends the Saudi Kingdom which is the source of Wahhabism, the religion of Jihadists. The US also supports the other dictators in the Middle East. The new peaceful revolutions in the Middle East make some positive reform in the American foreign policy. But it’s still in a bad need for positive change. As a matter of fact, reforming American policy in Muslim World is very needed to reform Muslim World and to terminate the danger of Jihadists.

The US policy has its biggest mistake in Iraq which has proved that the Americans did know a lot about the Iraqi oil, but they know a little about the Iraqi people. That is why they have this problem, not only in Iraq but also in the entire Muslim and Arabic World. It is 90 % war of ideas but America is fighting it by its military.

There is another important reason; the US is ignoring the war of ideas against Jihadists because the Americans are not aware of it as its experts are not Americans, nor Christians. Actually, war of ideas is a unique in its strategy and tactics that needs high qualified Muslim experts. They are sincere Muslim scholars, but they are also pro Americans and are waging this war of ideas against the so – called Islamists for the benefits of the US. This new war against terrorism will save billions of money and thousands of lives.

The other side is using the available ways in war of ideas and in recruiting their victims to kill randomly the innocent people in streets, building and even in houses of worshipping. But the US and the West are not using the available easy cheap weapons of war of ideas. This is a long story which will be clarified in this book, but it is needed here to confirm one fact: The real Islam – in dealing with people – has the same American Western values of Justice, freedom of religion, peace, tolerance and human rights. This real Islam has become abandoned and alienated for many centuries for the sake of the Middle aged culture which has been revived under the title of Wahhabism. So, those Jihadists are contradicting the real Islam in the crimes and in their Shareeah. Our war of ideas is to revive and restore the real Islam, having it in our side against the Jihadists.

This defines our missions in reform Muslims and facing Jihadists in the same time. For more details, our missions are:

1-      Defending America in the name of Islam

2-      Reforming Muslim World, and Muslim communities in the US and the West to play an active part in war of ideas against Jihadists

3-      Facing Jihadists and terminating their danger.

اجمالي القراءات 8368

للمزيد يمكنك قراءة : اساسيات اهل القران
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بلد الميلاد : Egypt
بلد الاقامة : United State

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